NJ High School Voter Registration Week is April 6-12th. Get involved!

The League of Women Voters Presentation

Through my supervisor, Ms. Janice Kroposky, I had the privilege of recently having the League of Women Voters conduct a presentation for my 7th grade advanced social studies class. The presenters Patricia Supplee, Luisa Paster, Agnes Roche, and Beth Andrea Stevens,...

What is Energizing Young Voters all about?

Shortly after the Inauguration on January 20, 2021, Lisa Kay Solomon, the developer of one of our teaching modules (Vote by Design,) wrote an article in www.thefulcrum.us. Solomon says, Amanda Gorman is “a civic futurist.” Gorman says: "We lift our gazes not to what...

Energizing Young Voters – Civics Education in Action

Energizing Young Voters –– Civics Education in Action Voter Engagement Programing offered under the auspices of the League of Women Voters of Southern Monmouth County Vision – Every 18-29 year old in the United States will become a life-long voter. They will...